Cassie in Honduras

Kelsey in Honduras

Jon and Alicia Looney serve special needs children in Honduras.

Of course, their are a variety ways a team can serve the mission. Some do special projects. This group of adults does the “ministry team” approach about as well as any. This short video was produced to help the church promote this ministry.

A special relationship developed between Foursquare missionaries, Michael and Mary Baves, and the leadership of the Baptist Union of Wales. The Baves now pastor a Welsh Baptist church and the Baptists are inviting more US Foursquare ministers to “come over and help” pastor some of their churches that have no pastor. Unity that glorifies God!

We interviewed several leaders about the blessing, need, and mandate for the local church to be connected to and participating in the work of missions.

Missionary and Pastor, Bill Kieselhorst, shares how churches can have a fruitful and lasting impact within the context of short-term mission trips.